Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Corner cabinet for kitchen

Blueberry labels used to jazz up the corner cabinet for the kitchen.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bathroom cabinet

Used an old 42" kitchen upper cabinet for a future bathroom cupboard at camp.
Just added legs, top, and decorations.

Sideboard for Camp

Found an old sideboard at Second Chance.
Used the same mis-matched hardware.
Soon to be a coffee station.......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hotel table - new again!

I just bought this old hotel table at Second Chance Salvage.

I painted it green and covered it with tile from Home Depot. I'm not sure I like the green color--stay tuned to see if it changes to......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bedroom Door

The original front door and windows were saved to be used as the bedroom door (and windows)

Frankie and Max aka "Beans"

Bathroom evolution

The original "original" bathroom.
Bathroom added in the early 80's
Same bathroom "fixed up".
New upstairs bath--Blueberry Blue!